皮埃尔·普里厄 Adrian James Raquel Nave Rebekah Underhill
简介:法国男孩在布鲁克林过着半游荡的生活,直到进入一间上演怪奇秀的酒吧,结识两位女老闆,开始了同居生活。他周旋于男女之间,却逃避自己真实的情感;身处华丽猎奇的世界,却始终带着迷惘与不安,成为瑰丽舞台上永远的异乡人。导演亲手打造慑人的末世感,纤细地将迷失的人儿捏塑出魅惑人心的恍惚状态。Maurice is a French teenager who escaped France and begins working at a hype club in Brooklyn called BIZARRE. He quickly becomes a sort of 'mascot' of this incredible club.The owner and the artists that perform there love him, but Maurice can't love...because of the past...and his secrets.