简介:Choi Jihoon is assigned to Daehun High School, the worst high school in Korea. He pledges to be the ‘Jjang (Top gangster)’ here, but the reality is quite tough....……
简介:원정녀 2호의 사연/2020-mf00222/The Story of the Expedition Woman 2/探险女2的故事/《女远征队2》的故事雪娥为了纪念和男友道振交往100天,在民宿举行简单的派对。但是两个人的派对有点晚了,突然雪娥晕过去了。道振给酒下药了。道振把朋友东俊叫来,将东俊晕倒的雪娥以成绩践踏的场面用摄像机拍摄。第二天,睁着眼睛的雪……
简介:One day, you fell from the sky. I never knew loving somebody could bring so much happiness. I see the world differently because of you. I am a different person because you live in ……
简介:Yeong-jae (Sin Joo-ah), Ha-eun (Koo Ji-sung) and Chun-hee (Yoon Chae-i) have been friends for 15 years since high school.Yeon-jae is the youngest of a fine hotel owner and she aims……