简介:警察埃布尔(让·雷诺 Jean Reno饰)一贯以英勇无畏、雷厉风行的形象呈于人前,他对待犯人的手段几近残忍,从不手软。可是硬汉的内心却隐藏了一段尘封已久的情伤——19年前,他的日本女友蜜子不告而别,埃布尔整整思念女友19年,不曾移情。某天,蜜子已逝的消息传来,而埃布尔成为爱人全部遗产的继承人,遗嘱的唯一要求是照顾女儿由美至成年。还没等埃布尔从震惊中回过神来……
简介:Inspired by true events, THE CUTLASS is a dramatic thriller set in the tropical wilderness of Trinidad and tells the story of a young woman who falls into the grasp of a dangerous ……
简介:1"South Island"July 18, 2011Bear Grylls must fling himself out of a plane and parachute to safety to reach this remote area. Crossing the country's highest mountain range and start……