简介:What makes a film score unforgettable? Featuring Hans Zimmer, James Cameron, Danny Elfman, John Williams, Quincy Jones, Trent Reznor, Howard Shore, Rachel Portman, Thomas Newman, R……
简介:珍(张艾嘉 饰)早年被丈夫抛弃,勤劳持家的她在新加坡开了一家海南鸡饭餐馆,生意兴隆,亦有好友照顾陪伴,然而三个儿子却让她操心不已。得知大儿子和二儿子都是同性恋者之后,思想保守的珍把全部希望寄托在小儿子Leo(LePham Tan 饰)身上,盼望他能够成家生子。然而敏感的母亲却从Leo和同性好友的交往中看出了不妙的势头。于是珍灵机一动,请来漂亮青春的法国女孩(……
简介:When his wife unexpectedly informs him that she wants a divorce, well-meaning but oblivious husband Otto Wall finds himself thrust back into bachelorhood, where he searches for the……
简介:A mother seeks the whereabouts of her son's killer after he is released from prison, unleashing a series of events that surface tragic memories and unexpected consequences....……