简介:Love Child is an Australian television drama series that follows the lives of staff and residents at the fictional Kings Cross Hospital and Stanton House in Sydney in 1969. The dra……
简介:Kevin Bacon主演Amazon新喜剧《我爱迪克》(I Love Dick)试播集。该喜剧改编自1997年出版的小说《我爱迪克》(I Love Dick)。小说讲述德州Marfa一对夫妇Chris和Sylvere,迷上一个性格恶劣但颇有魅力的教授Dick。而这位教授由Kevin Bacon饰演。电视剧版将有较大改动。...……
简介:In Season 3, when Florida Grange goes missing in the Klan-infested town of Grovetown, Hap and Leonard set out to find her. As the mystery unfolds, Hap and Leonard find themselves a……
简介:《生活大爆炸 The Big Bang Theory》主演Johnny Galecki与编剧Patrick Walsh为CBS开发的多镜头喜剧《圣经狂想曲 Living Biblically》由A.J. Jacobs的书《The Year of Livi ng Bibl ically》所改篇,讲述主角Chip突然觉得自己只重视知识而忽略了信仰,于是决定开始按……
简介:Mariana (42) is part of that Chilean upper class that takes privilege for granted. Despised by both her father and her husband, she feels a strange attraction towards her riding te……
简介:The 5×60 series, which has begun filming in Northern Ireland, is produced by Origin Pictures and is adapted by Fiona Seres. David Thompson exec produces along with BBC’s Sarah Stac……
简介:Wrights 1940 original novel followed a poor, 20-year-old black Chicagoan, Bigger Thomas, as he takes a job as a chauffeur for the wealthy, white Dalton family. When Thomas accident……
简介:Love Child is an Australian television drama series that follows the lives of staff and residents at the fictional Kings Cross Hospital and Stanton House in Sydney in 1969. The dra……